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Monday, June 17, 2013

Video Gaming News and Updates 001

GAMING WITH DEE - Video Game news and updates

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to GWD Extended Content’s first Ever Video gaming News and Updates. Today we will talk about;

  • Planetary Annihilation Alpha on sell for 90 Dollars
  • Ubisoft is asking PC gamers to show support and interest in a PC version of The Division
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 Development
  • Minor change in the choice for Video game news and updates.


Alright let’s get this thing started shall we, first off I want talk to you about Planetary Annihilation. Supposedly the spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, Planetary Annihilation is an upcoming real-time strategy game developed by Uber Entertainment. Most of the team from Total Annihilation and Supreme commander are said be behind the Development of this game. HOWEVER there happens to be a major hiccup with this game, after a successful kick starter the game moved to Steam where they are asking for 90 DOLLARS for early access, which is significantly more than how much the finished product of the game will cost. Many people slammed Uber for being greedy, and rated the game poorly on Meta Critic, despite not being finished, and clearly being in alpha. Eventually Meta Critic took the page down, but that isn’t the real problem.

            The problem here isn’t so much that the game cost 90 dollars to get early access to the alpha, but more about gamers feeling entitled to something for less than what others have paid to gain access. See on Planetary Annihilation’s Kick Starter, they offered access to the Alpha of the game for 90 dollars while access to the beta was set at 40 dollars, and one could get a finished copy of the game at 20 dollars. Considering that Alpha is a long way from finished and may even be a long way from Beta. I have to wonder, why the 90 dollar price tag for Alpha, I mean IT’S ALPHA full of bugs and broken code, I mean I’ve played a lot of Alpha’s and some them out right just don’t work.  I’ll get into this a bit later, because while I don’t fully support their choice of price I do support the action of charging gamers the same price from kick starter to Steam.

            The fella’s over at Uber stated the reason for this 90 dollar price tag was in fact because their Kick Starter Tier offered access to the games Alpha starting at 90 dollars (of course this access was included should you have desired to pledge more than 90 dollars.) Here is the truth; Uber is in the RIGHT here, not the wrong. It is anti-consumer and just plain stupid to put out access to the Alpha on steam for less than what you offered on kick starter after the success of your Kick Starter. If they had done such, they stand to lose a lot of support for those who backed them from the very beginning and sadly I don’t believe that losing that support in exchange for those who want it for less on steam is a good trade off. It would be a bad business practice on their part; sadly because gamers feel they are entitled to something for less simply because they don’t do any research on the games they are about to purchase and/or play, Uber is left with a catch 22 situation. Either they lose or they lose, one way or the other they are going to have one pissed off party, one party pissed at the price tag of 90 dollars, or the other party pissed they had to pay 90 while the crybabies on steam got access for much less.

            HOW EVER charging 90 dollars to for access to an alpha is still a bit out there. Like I said previously I’ve played a number of games still in alpha, as well as games that only offer beta access, the reason being is because most early access games are significantly cheaper, thus making early access seem more appealing as the price is more reasonable. A cheaper price would appeal to a lot more, and would no doubt have brought them in more sales. However this is early access we are talking about here, access to a game that doesn’t properly work if it works at all in some cases, your technically getting involved in the games development at this point. Thing is that games cost a significant amount of money to make, so was the choice to put this game on steam for the same price point wrong? NO, they rose a little over 2mil and I highly doubt that is going to be enough. What steam is, is a just a way to generate more revenue to complete their game. The controversy over the 90 dollar price tag could have been avoided by simply not putting this game up on steam till a working beta version of the game had been developed. Which would have been significantly cheaper than alpha access, but who’s to say that they didn’t need the money to complete the beta. Like I said it takes a lot of money to make a game, “Why?” You may ask, well either you have to outsource to contractors to do the work you cannot, in which case you have to pay them a lot of money, or you stick with your staff of developers and higher on new staff. NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, you still have to pay people for their work. An game developers get paid pretty nicely for their particular skill set. I personally don’t have a problem with them opening up and offering early access on steam they need the money, and steam is a great way to get it. I DO NOT believe anyone has the right to complain about early access to a game, I’ve remember when you NEVER got access to a games alpha, let alone the beta, now developers are throwing gamers a bone, and all they can seem to do is complain about the price that they have to pay. Yes 90 dollars is a bit ridiculous but never the less people are still paying for it. It’s a choice, if you want early access as well as access to the beta and a copy of the game when it release’s then shell out the 90 dollars, if not, please just shut up and wait till the beta comes out, it’s literally that simple.

The Division

Developers of the game The Division, Ubisoft states that there will only be a PC version made if there is a demand for it. If there is a major amount of support the game, it will find its way to PC and 50,000 PC gamers rise to the challenge hitting the forums, and create petitions to show Ubisoft that they really want this game.

            What is The Division you may be wondering, as I know I was when I heard what Ubisoft was saying? Tom Clancy’s (yes that’s right this game is a Clancy) The Division is a up and coming MMO-ish third person shooter, with action rpg elements, developed by Ubisoft Massive for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, it was one of the surprise hit announcements made during Ubisoft’s E3 2013 Press conference. The Division is a game based in a world where we DIDN’T stop the terrorist. The player becomes the last line of defense, sent out to do whatever they have to, to save what remains. The game is pretty big, taking place in the greater NY area, and in Machinima’s talk with the dev.’s, they claim that if the demand for content is there, they will continue to deliver.

            The issue is this, why is Ubisoft demanding PC gamer’s show their support for a PC version of a game. All of Ubisoft’s core games eventually found their way to PC, if they weren’t on PC at launch they were eventually ported over. I can’t really any instance where Ubisoft had a decline in PC sells, so exactly why are they doing this? I mean in a sense this is forcing gamers who prefer to play on the PC to go out and raise awareness for the game for Ubisoft. I could understand that if Ubisoft wasn’t known for making some brilliant pc ports as Massive is already known for, but as I just said, Massive is already know for doing stunning games on the PC. I just don’t see a clear reason behind this. I feel like I’m missing something somewhere, but no matter where I search I keep seeing the same thing, no major decline in PC sells, yet Ubisoft has made this choice. Never the less THIS IS REAL, they are asking for you guys to go out and raise support, instead of doing it themselves. I can’t think of any reason for this, not a single one. Needless to say, I’ll be getting this game for the PS4 regardless of if it comes out on PC or not, I hate playing FPS on my PC personally, and enjoy them more on console.

Kingdom Hearts 3

            This next bit is just me following the Kingdom Hearts 3 Development. I will be checking in on it weekly, as it is a major title that I actually care about, and one of the biggest reasons I’m getting a PS4, (other than the fact that Microsoft has lost their GOT DA… let me stop… it’s cool it’s cool.) MOVING ON. After Kingdom Hearts 3’s Trailer was shown at E3 Kingdom Hearts 3’s Director Nomura talked about the games current development. From the article I read this game isn’t even NEARLY close to coming out. Nomura stated;

“Since the release of Kingdom Hearts 2, I believe that many fans were feeling impatient due to our continuous spin-off titles, so we decided to announce it at the same time as Final Fantasy XV. However, looking at the current development status, I think we may have announced it a little too early.”
Can’t say that came as a surprise, I figured it didn’t the trailer didn’t cover much game play at all, and was much shorter than FFXV’s trailer. Although the games visual were said to be solid there haven’t made much in the progress of the games actually development. What we do know is that this game will feature an old Sora now a Keyblade Master, faster and stronger than ever before. This is actually something I was hoping for, not only do I crave a good story that makes sense, but character development is equally important. Nomura Replied to the question about Kingdom Hearts 3’s action and how it has evolved, saying;

“At this moment, we actually have a working demo version… and it’s really wild. The ‘bold action’ has become even greater. Kingdom Hearts 3 features a party of 3, but you’ll also have different NPCs join in the battle in the other worlds, and the action is pretty flashy. You’ll be flying all over the place in aerial combat without ever having to land.”
            However I have to say, in the current state, I don’t think we will see or hear much about this game for a while. Having a working demo of combat and a working demo of the game are two different things. All I can say is that rather it’s PS4 or Xbox One, Square has a chance here that they didn’t have before. Kingdom Hearts 3 has a chance to be the grandest and largest of the 3 core releases. Next Gen console will allow them to do so much more. An I look forward to actively following this game through its development. I have a lot of high hopes not just for the game play elements of this game, but the story as well. While little is known at this time, I’m sure they will pull out the twist and turns the further they move into development, after all this is kingdom hearts we are talking about here.

Changes to Video game News and Updates

            This isn’t that much of a big thing, just I figured I’d be best to get this out of the way now then to actually make a whole new post and waste your time with it there. Instead of once a week, I’ll be bringing you news and updates on anything I can find EVERY WEEKDAY, that is Monday – Friday. I don’t work weekends an any news I find or hear on over the weekend will be in the follow Mondays News and Updates. The format that I’m bringing it to you will remain the same, each day I will cover at least 3 to 5 topics that I find interesting. I’ll be doing this, as well as playing the games requested for reviews, researching the games, writing and editing the reviews, and gaming news and updates, and as well as eventually (when my pc gets fixed) recording videos. If for any reason I decide NOT to bring you news and updates for any period of time, you will be informed here as well as my twitter and tumblr. The links to all of my content will be provided at the end of every post as well. Thank you for your time and continued support

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