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Friday, June 21, 2013

Video Game News and Updates 003

GAMING WITH DEE – Video Game news and updates

                Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome back to GWD Extended Content’s Video gaming News and Updates. First off I would like to apologize for the long wait. Wednesday I had a doctor’s appointment, and Thursday was hunting for a new place. Time got away from me. With that being said I back, and bringing you the update for the 21st for June 2013. We have ONE TOPIC that I wanted to speak on yesterday but time got away from me.
Microsoft’s huge reversal



                After taking a quick trip to, I found something extremely interesting. As it turns out, it seems Microsoft did in fact listen to feedback. As what I’m about to tell you is from a post directly from Don Mattrick Himself which can be found at the link provided at the bottom of this segment. It seems I wasn’t too far off what I thought Microsoft would say to regain consumer trust. Stating,

“You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world.”

As forth coming as this post is, I get this feeling of reluctance… As if he is saying, “This isn’t want we wanted to do, but because you guys won’t buy our product the way we want to make it, we will give you want YOU WANT.” I mean I’m already distrustful as it is, you can’t tell me they did any market study that suggested the vast majority or gamers WANTED to have region locks, WANTED to have restrictions on used games, WANTED to be forced to download all there games even if they bought them on disc, and WANTED to be forced into online play even for games that don’t require an online connection. I mean come on, EA’s fuck up with Sim City is still fresh on peoples mind. No one who games wants to be forced into a online situation when the game doesn’t call for it. To make a system based around the concept of always online DRM is the most flawed choice in gaming history. I’m sure some of you out there were behind this, as your half-baked ideals on gaming lead you to believe that the gaming industry needs these kind of restrictions if it’s going to survive. 

While I will acknowledge Microsoft’s own acknowledgement of their mistake, this should have never happened. When they revealed the Xbox what happened to listening then. Why did it take feedback from E3 for them to set their wrongs right. Lets assume this change was brought on by the number of pre-orders for this console. This speak much loader then my blog, or anyone's blog, or vlogs, or any amount of noise we could create on the Internet. It’s the Internet, Microsoft can easily mark that up to fan boys are going to whine. So speaking of this as it is a result of E3, then it has to be pre-orders, the numbers are undeniable. Thing is that this is to major of a choice and there is evidence that suggest that this choice has been in the works since their reveal. For one, everything was a “probably scenario” Nothing gaming wise about this console had been finalized. This tells me that they were just testing to see just how gamers would react to their console. If they were going to go for it, then they were going to push forward with their console as was. Secondly the fact that at the Reveal and E3 the refused to talk about certain features, they even canceled several arrangements, and I can only guess it’s because they didn’t want to be questioned about choices they had not finalized yet. E3 was the big push they needed to know they fucked up, and the pre-orders were just icing on the cake.

Now that Microsoft has pulled themselves out of the dog house and into the yard, maybe we can get down to figuring out just which console is the better console. Maybe with this new development Sony will be forced to share more about the PS4, and not only that, but we will see breakthroughs in gaming innovation, as both console will compete for the best titles, with the best features. Console wars are good for business, In more ways than one, If Sony had been allowed to ride on by on this wave if PR bullshit created by Microsoft’s major fuck up, we may have been looking at future restrictions put into place but Sony, as they truly aren’t to be trusted anymore then Microsoft is. Consumers need to look out for consumers, PERIOD. The moment we allow even one of these companies to get away with murder, they will continue to do it, over and over and over again. As I stated before, DRM if used properly is effective it may not stop but it does slow the process of people getting things illegally. Microsoft’s choice to move away from DRM is quite possibly the greatest victory in Consumer activism that I’ve ever seen. This should be used as a prime example in the future, when looking for ways to get businesses and game developers to understand that we DON’T WANT THIS, that we mean it. Your money holds more value to companies then your Voice, See your voice starts the cycle, but if you don’t back it up with actions such as not pre ordering a horrid console, what good is our voice. 

Picture this, what if someone like Jesse Cox stated he hated this new game coming out, it’s full to the brim with DRM, it developers have the most anti-consumer ideals, the game forces you in to situations and scenarios such as always being connect to the Internet, losing control of your own save files, the inability to trade in this game in the future to the auth key locking this version of the game to your account. The game is good, BUT MAN ARE THIS SOME HORRIBLE CHOICES DEVELOPMENT MADE. Picture him going on and on about his for weeks, rallying his followers from the Shaboozey Community and more to his cause. Just picture, everyone is speaking out telling friends and strangers that this game is bad it’s hellabad don’t get it when it comes out. Then the game is out, and Jesse releases a “Revenge of the Q&A” stating he bought this game to “give it a try.” Though this has never happened, if it did it would be terrible, Let explain why, He rose his voice and gained followers, but NOT ONE BIT OF THAT MATTERS AFTER THEY HAVE YOUR FUCKING MONEY. They don’t care if you don’t like the game, they have locked you in with DRM you can’t trade it back now. They don’t offer refunds, YOU KNEW WHAT KIND OF COMPANY THESE DEVELOPERS WERE RUNNING, but you gave them your money anyway. Nothing speaks loader then with holding your money from companies who will do anything to get it from you. At least that is how I see it.

So in this case, I believe we gained much more then we lost, as gamers and consumers. This was a victory for us, but stopping here when it seems gamers have just found out the best way to make their voices heard would be the greatest loss. As I stated before to a friend of mine, as gamers we are divided, and as long as we remain that way, we will NOT get what we want out of our games. Games are just not being made by gamers for gamers, we need to continue this, and not get big headed because we managed to get Microsoft to pull a complete reversal. As soon as we fall back, I PROMISE YOU Microsoft or Sony is going to pull something funky. That’s my opinion on the subject. Hope you learned something you didn’t and if your looking for the link it will be posted just below this paragraph. Thank you for your time and continued support.

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