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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Coming soon to a blog near you.

If you came here you were probably directed to, that or you somehow either tracked this blog down on Google, or Bing or whatever search engine you use (way to go champ) or you are one of the 17 or so people who have decided to keep checking up on this page to see if anything new has been posted here. Well the wait is over sort-a-speak. Soon and very soon at that, There will be content generated on this Blog. Check below for upcoming content.

Gaming with Dee – Extended Content

  • The Evolution of Bishock will be posted here. There is already a link to this new blog on this blog, just click it and it’ll take you to this page. The wonder, and amazement of links on websites right? What to expect? Well for Bioshock since there is so much to cover Each game will receive Its own page on Extended Content, there will be quite a bit I’ll be covering, an it’s more of a breakdown of the situation in Rapture and what is going on in game, and the connection between the 3. There will be 4 pages total. The final page will be pretty much me theory crafting, if you don’t like personal opinions DON’T READ IT. Take control of your life and decide to just leave my page, other than reading it then sending me you disapproving thoughts. You’re entitled to your opinion, however that doesn’t make yours or mine for that reason right. They are opinions, if you don’t like it, go on about your business.

  • I am still in the mist of replay the kingdom heart’s games, and coving the story. It’s taking some time, as I am writing it as I’m playing the game, don’t expect to see it soon.

  • Radiata Stories is the next game I PICKED, not my readers, to Review after Mega Man X. I’m currently replaying this game, as soon as I finish it I’ll post the review, and a story break down. (I love this game, soo yeah.)

As always thank you for your time and continued support, and I’ll see you guys next time.

Friday, May 3, 2013

If your here

If your here, then your very impatient as i haven't even mentioned that the blog is up, nor have i generated content for this blog yet. Thanks for your curiosity, but seriously go back to the main blog, there is nothing here for you :P